Unique marketing dissertation topics to write about

A marketing student is exposed to a wide world of buying and selling, advertisement, market research as well as other interesting elements of the marketing business. While completing his studies in the same, he might be asked to present a dissertation on marketing which again requires to research on a specific topic and analyze prior comments made by researchers and make a report on their findings. Most students don’t know where to begin, and some of them might find it hard to decide on a topic since the subject itself is so vast in its approach. Therefore, if you find yourself in trouble over selecting a good topic for your project, check these topics which will help you narrow down your perspective and choose a topic.

  1. The Ethics of Marketing – Should companies be allowed to market products that are known to be detrimental to health?
  2. The Role of Persuasion in Marketing – What are the roles of various people, social situations and needs used to influence customers?
  3. The Role of Culture in Marketing – How do advertisements bring in the role of culture in their work?
  4. The Ethics of Advertisements – Ethics, violations and protection.
  5. Role of Social Media Used to Market Products – how has it increased the sale of products?
  6. The Façade behind Weight Loss Pills and Fairness Creams – How does this affect the younger generation?
  7. Should Brand Loyalty Be Entertained?
  8. The Sale of Alcohol – Does rampant sale of alcohol lead to increased consumption?
  9. The Role of Packaging in Products – Does colorful packaging lead to a greater sale than other products?
  10. Difference between Branded and Locally-Made Products
  11. The Power of Brand – Does brand success often lead to the sale of low-quality products
  12. How Do Advertisement Ignore A Large Section of Our Society?
  13. The Objectification of the Woman in Today’s Advertisements – Has the scenario changed?
  14. An Investigation of Nutritional Values as Presented On Food in Advertisements
  15. Compulsive Buying – What are the social and [psychological reasons for this phenomenon?

However, if you want to create a topic of your own, try and look for new angles in your present curriculum. Find out about the loopholes in our current marketing system and research on the said topic. You can also read up books and journals on the internet to get a unique idea of new methods and theories of marketing. To know more about how to structure a marketing dissertation, please visit the relevant websites.
