Writing a dissertation on drama: useful hints

Drama is an art as old as civilization. Starting from the ancient Greeks drama has continued up to the modern age. Drama has always played an important role in entertainment. It has also various important connotations in understanding the nature of man and the world. The theories of drama have been discussed numerous times by several great philosophers starting from Aristotle to Nietzsche.

Writing a dissertation on drama is hard because already so much has been written on it by famous men. However there is never a dearth of material. One can always write about various aspects of modern drama which is such a stark contrast to that of the Greeks and Shakespeare. There are several milestones in the course of dramatic art. In an age where the cinema is increasingly stealing the audience away from drama, a dissertation on drama would be a welcome change.

It would help revive the interests of the youth once more towards this age old form of entertainment. If you are writing a dissertation on drama here are some helpful hints to ease your way through it.

If you stick to the time table and do your research well, it isn’t a tough job.
